This live-action/animated fantasy family film, based on the 1955 children’s book of the same name, was released in cinemas across Australia from August 2024.
To celebrate the release, TCP implemented an integrated strategic campaign with QBD, Australia’s largest retail and online bookstore.
In return for spending $50 in store or online, QBD customers entered unique promotional codes printed on all receipts and orders via a bespoke competition website to win Harold and the Purple Crayon themed prizes.
Promotional support: included large format window posters, A1, A2 and A3 in store posters, shelf wobblers, floor decals, A5 flyers, light wall, digital screens, in store radio, branded microsite portal, digital catalogue and banner advertising, EDM and Social.
Themed prize fund: win an all expenses family trip to Columbia Pictures Aquaverse Movie theme park in Thailand plus runner up prizes of movie passes and merchandises.
- Affinity partnerships & brand strategy